Our Story Begins
Life, Health, KnowledgeThe Birth of New Hope Healing and Resource Center
When someone asks me where the idea for the New Hope Healing and Resource Center came from, I can’t help but smile to myself. I guess that’s because it’s kind of a long story. You see, it wasn’t an idea that was born in a second.
It was born after years of struggling with Lyme disease myself.
It was born after years of talking with people in an effort to try to help them with their battle against Lyme, and not really having any resources to offer them in their struggle. If I’m being honest, it came after much frustration and heartache. I would see Lyme patients, most of whom had become my friends, trying so hard to get well again. They were willing to do pretty much anything, and they were already doing pretty much everything in their power.
These people were being rejected by main-stream medical practices.
In general, the medical world had let them down. The CDC had let them down. They were struggling with difficult treatments that took their toll both physically and mentally. They were struggling to stay active in their lives and attempting to follow seemingly impossible diets in an effort to control symptoms with lifestyle changes. Then, perhaps the worst struggle of all, many were often being ignored or deeply misunderstood by those they were closest to. They simply couldn’t understand or fully comprehend what was happening to them.
As you know, Lyme doesn’t really care who you are. It doesn’t care if you’re old, young, male, or female. It doesn’t care if you’re healthy, strong, busy, lazy, or in love.
The people I knew who were fighting this battle came from all walks of life, and their numbers were, and are rapidly multiplying. I would hang up the phone or leave a support group meeting feeling like I had done everything I could that day, but still feeling like I had fallen so very short.
“Why can’t we have a place that addresses all of these issues for patients and follows them through their treatment?”
“Why can’t we provide Lyme educated practitioners, nutritionists, mental health specialists, personal trainers, Lyme coaches and advisors?”
“Why can’t we help children and teenagers?”
“Why can’t we educate and provide support for the patients children, parents, or spouses?”
“Why can’t we treat people in every aspect of their lives that this disease affects, leaving no person left alone to fight this fight?”
Why didn’t we have that?
What started as a seemingly impossible wish quickly became a relentless dream that would not leave me. After much hard work and the help of many, it turns out, that dream has become a reality. New Hope Healing and Resource Center has a foundation of both hope and determination, that tomorrow will be a new and better place for Lyme patients.
My greatest hope, is that by strengthening the warriors in the fight, the tide might change. Our voices might be heard, our scars will be seen and understood. Our victories will spread like sunlight across a dark sky, lighting the way.
Our Staff

Dr. Lee Aberle ND, IFMCP
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Aberle is a 2001 graduate of National University of Natural Medicine (formerly National College of Natural Medicine). Before attending medical school Dr. Aberle was at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Surgical Medicine doing NIH research into wound healing.
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Tim Montag PA-C
Certified Physician Assistant
Tim Montag PA-C is a board certified physician assistant with a passion for helping patients feel understood and heard. He was born and raised in Minnesota where he attended chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences University.
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After four years of practice, he began physician assistant school at the University of North Dakota, and graduated in 2012, summa cum laude. Since then, he has practiced for six years in chronic pain management and urgent care.
Tim has always been interested in treating more than just symptoms, and in helping patients take control of their overall health. He believes that health is much more than just the absence of disease. He first entered the world of Lyme disease when his wife was diagnosed with Lyme in 2012. Seeing her struggles opened up his mind to a different world of medicine than what is traditionally taught in school. Two of his three children have also been diagnosed with Lyme. His compassion for his family and commitment to help them overcome this disease has translated naturally into a desire to help all who suffer.
Tim has trained in the treatment of Lyme with Dr. Laurie Radovsky and Dr. Steven Harris and plans to complete an ILADS preceptorship in early 2020.

Barb Booth MS/ RN
Barbra Booth, MS, RN is a University of Minnesota graduate of the school of nursing with a Masters of Science degree specializing in psychiatric and mental health care of adults. While completing her MS degree….
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…she also obtained a Graduate Minor in Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices from the Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota and has professional membership in the American Psychiatric Nurse Association. Barb is experienced in identifying mental health symptoms, supportive counseling and assisting patients in learning coping skills in the management of health concerns. She is committed to helping patients gain a feeling of emotional well-being, hopefulness and competence in managing daily health concerns. She is passionate about her work and is often described by her patients as understanding and caring. Through her 30+ years of experience in the Alexandria area, Barb practiced in the Outpatient Mental Health department of Douglas County Hospital (now Alomere Health), Lakeland Mental Health Center and more recently at Alexandria VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic. Her prior experience includes 15 years as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in adult mental health. Barb is excited to become a part of the New Hope Healing and Resource Center team. She is looking forward to meeting and helping patients experience a renewed feeling of well-being and hope.

Aimee Goodwin
Certified Life/Health Coach
Aimee Goodwin is a certified Life and Health Coach, Author of Victory: A Lyme Story and founder of New Hope Healing & Resource Center in Alexandria Mn.
Throughout her lifetime she has overcome chronic Lyme disease…
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…works as an EMT and first responder, raised four sons with her husband and lived through the deep grief of loosing a child. These experiences and many others have taken her on a powerful journey of personal growth and transformation that she now shares though her coaching practice.
Her mission is to use her life experience and her education to be a powerful source of support and motivation to anyone who needs to overcome the obstacles that are blocking their journey to a successful transformation and joyful life!
Join Goodwin today to start your transformational journey and find the “you” you’ve always wanted to be!
“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to true happiness”
Our Founder
Aimee Goodwin
My Lyme Story
Fighting through and overcoming an eight year battle with Lyme Disease has given me the experience and perspective into a world that no one wants to be a part of. I always say,
Lyme disease takes the life that you love, and replaces it with a life you desperately don’t want.
In the years since my victory over Lyme disease, I have worked deep in the trenches alongside some of the bravest warriors in this fight, to provide support and direction to those still fighting their way out. From these friends and their stories, as well as my own personal battle against Lyme, I have learned and seen the areas in which patients are often let down in Lyme treatments. I have gained knowledge, as well as a burning determination to make a difference in the complicated Lyme journey for as many people as I can.
Those in the Lyme world who know me will smile when they read what I say next, for it’s probably my most repeated phrase. If you’re here on this page, your life has in some way been affected by Lyme disease. You’re looking for information. You’re searching for help. I will say to you,
Hang in there. Hang on tight! Don’t quit. Don’t stop. Keep fighting, and rest assured, you are no longer alone on this journey.
You have found a place and people who are dedicated to helping you overcome this disease, and to helping you rebuild your life!
To read my story in full you can find my book Victory: A Lyme Story on Amazon.

New Hope Healing and Resource Center | 460 Northside Drive NE Suite 50, Alexandria, MN. 56308 | (320) 460-8088